Re-membering and Becoming: A Faithful Journey

This Sunday, I hope you’ll join us to celebrate the 75th anniversary of St. Michael’s. Worship will include a Reaffirmation of Communal Life, complete with a blessing of the new title deed, renewal of our baptismal vows, and Holy Communion. In addition to our current faithful body, we’ll be joined by parishioners who have moved away, as well as former rectors, The Rev. Howard Humphrey, and The Rev. Leslie Hague. All are welcome for a festive brunch in the parish hall immediately following the service.
Until then, I hope you will enjoy the anniversary content on our website, which includes a brief glimpse of our stories and our history. I am also thrilled to share with you a new history of the parish. Parishioner, Evelyn Bence, has done a marvelous job capturing the spirit of this community, our mission, and our history. Our celebration on Sunday morning will conclude in the parish hall, where we will be surrounded by our actual community of saints who have gathered, as well as artistic representation of saints, and a slideshow of the saints whom we have known and loved as a community.
It will be a Sunday to remember! I hope you will be inspired by those who have come before us, and renewed for the journey that is before us.
You are Loved. You are a blessing.