Holy Week Worship Schedule

March 24, Palm Sunday, 9:30 AM

Liturgy of the Palms and reading of the Passion. The service will begin in the Memorial Garden with the Procession of the Palms.

March 28, Maundy Thursday, 7:00 PM
Foot washing and Holy Eucharist

March 28, 9:00 PMā€“March 29, 12 PMā€”Vigil with the Reserve Sacrament
The practice of keeping watch with our Lord can be traced to Christā€™s appeal to His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane on the eve of the crucifixion, ā€œCould you watch one hour with me?ā€ By signing up to keep an hour of vigil with the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar of Repose, we can answer Jesus with an emphatic ā€œyes.ā€ Please sign up here to take a shift of the overnight Vigil.

March 29, Good Friday, 12 PM and 7 PM
Liturgy for Good Friday

March 31, Easter Sunday

  • 6:35 AM Sunrise Morning Prayer in the Memorial Garden
  • 9:30 AM Festival Holy Eucharist, no Childrenā€™s Worship
  • 10:45 AM Easter egg hunt (bring your own basket)