Holy Week Worship Schedule
April 2, Palm Sunday, 9:30 AM
Liturgy of the Palms and reading of the Passion with The Rev. Dr. J. Lee Hill, Jr., Canon for Racial Justice and Healing, preaching. The service will begin in the Memorial Garden with the Procession of the Palms.
April 6, Maundy Thursday, 7:00 PM
Foot washing and Holy Eucharist
April 6, 8:30 PMāApril 7, 12 PM
Vigil with the Reserve Sacrament
April 7, Good Friday, 12 PM
Liturgy for Good Friday
April 9, Easter Sunday
6:30 AM Sunrise Eucharist in the memorial garden
9:30 AM Festival Holy Eucharist, main sanctuary and online
An Easter Egg hunt will follow the main service.