Practicing Centering Prayer

Have you ever thought of trying Centering Prayer or Christian meditation but it seemed too difficult? Maybe you have tried it and found it actually was too difficult? Or maybe you were drawn to it, but knew you couldnât squeeze it into your day. Now is the perfect time to give it a try! In this 6-week introduction to Christian contemplation, Laurie Denton will lead us in Centering Prayer and introduce other Christian meditation methods that can supplement or substitute for Centering Prayer. Each hourlong session will begin with a brief presentation, followed by a 20-minute guided Centering Prayer practice, with time to share experiences and observations at the close.
You might think you could do this aloneâafter all, youâll be in your own space, with your eyes closedâbut it is actually a very difficult practice to develop and sustain without the support of community. Laurie has been meditating for six years and practicing Centering Prayer for five years, and she still relies on community to enrich and support her contemplative practice.
Practice sessions will run from 8 AM to 9 AM on Tuesdays, from June 23 to July 28. Please email Beth to receive information to participate.
Week 1: An introduction to Centering Prayer
Week 2: Breath prayer and YAH-WEH breath prayer
Week 3: The challenges and potential for transformation and liberation Centering Prayer offers
Week 4: What to do with thoughts and feelings that arise
Week 5: Christian meditation and Christian mantram
Week 6: Contemplative walking, gratitude meditation, sitting in the Presence
P.S. You can come in your pjs if you want!