Parish Picnic Dinner: May 21 at 5 PM

Pentecost falls on a three-day weekend this year, which is when we will celebrate that particular feast of the church. St. Michael’s has typically enjoyed a parish-wide picnic on the same day that we observe Pentecost. This year, we are shifting the parish picnic in hopes of celebrating with as many people as possible. To add another layer of fun, we will be celebrating confirmations on May 21 in the afternoon. Our youth have been on an incredible journey of discovery and affirmation of their faith. Our hope is that everyone might be present to support them when they are confirmed that afternoon. To entice you to join in this celebration, the parish picnic will take place immediately following the confirmation service, at approximately 5PM. We’ll still provide the fried chicken, and ask that everyone bring a dish to share for a picnic dinner.
May 21, 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist and coffee hour
May 21, 4 PM Service of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist followed by the Parish Picnic
May 28, 9:30 AM Pentecost: Holy Eucharist and coffee hour