News from the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is looking for one more member for 2019! Meetings are monthly (2nd Tuesdays, 7:30 PM) and last no longer than 2 hours. Help us oversee St. Michael’s finances! Contact our treasurer for more information.

February Financial Report: Our budget for 2019 was approved by the Vestry and presented to the congregation at our annual meeting on February 10, 2019. Although we are facing a budget deficit this year, it is one that we are likely to overcome (based upon previous years) and we are in a stable position due to our strong financial reserves. As of early February 2019, 61 of the 67 2018 pledges were completed and St. Michaelā€™s has received $243,463 out of the $243,535 pledged! Seven of the 69 2019 pledges have been completed also! We have received $50,909 out of the $255,230 pledged in 2019.

Read the full treasurer’s report (which includes the Outreach collection figures) here.