Creation Care: Native Plant Webinars
February 27, 2021: Are you interested in learning more about what you can do in your own yard or balcony to contribute to the care of God’s creation, and why we are focused on native plants at St. Michael’s to address this call?
Would you like to learn more about how native plants support the living landscape and provide food and shelter for native butterflies, birds and other species?
Have you heard that using native plants in your yard and improves the environment for you, your community and Virginia’s wildlife, but are not sure where to start?
The Plant Virginia Natives campaign, a Virginia Native Plant Society partner, is pleased to be collaborating with other regional campaigns across the state to offer this series of 12 webinars—6 this spring and 6 this fall for gardeners just learning that Virginia natives are the best choice!
The webinars will guide you through the why and how to turn your home garden into a beautiful retreat for your family and a native habitat for birds and other wildlife.
Sign-up for all 12 webinars for just $10!
Register Now