Care of Creation: ‘Life of Grace’

(July 2016) It has been gratifying to see the high level of interest in the parish for our incipient care of creation ministry. The recent adult education series,A Life of Grace for the Whole World, attracted about a dozen people for each of its five sessions. The new native plantings on the parish grounds are flourishing. The question now is,what next? As we reflect on that as a parish, there are some resources that can both guide our discernment and offer practical help in daily living.
This new care of creation web page includes links to over a dozen other sites, most of which approach environmental issues from a faith perspective.
Parishioners have recommended several books that address the impact of climate change and the challenge of developing sustainable practices. These include,Gaining Ground: A Story Of Farmers’ Markets, Local Food, And Saving The Family Farm, by Forrest Pritchard; “Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now, by Walter Brueggemann; Living Green: The Missing Manual, by Nancy Conner; and Nature’s Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age, by Mary Christina Wood. All are available on Amazon and as e-books.
Most of us already recycle at home, and we will step up efforts to recycle at St. Michael’s as well. For questions about whether particular items are recyclable or not, consult the county’s on-line index. Those interested in composting virtually all their trash can consider signing up with a for-profit service such as this one which a parishioner highly recommends.
Any other recommendations and input are most welcome! Mary Cushing