Worship Ministries
The root of the word “liturgy” is “the work of the people.” Meaning all that happens in the sanctuary with the community who gathers works because of communal participation. The beautiful thing about this invitation to participate is that who we are and what we bring is enough because God meets us here! Parishioners are invited to take a role in leading worship on a weekly basis in a variety of capacities, including as Lay Eucharistic Minister, Choir Member, Lay Reader, Greeter, Usher, Acolyte, Altar Guild, or Flower Guild. Please connect with the rector to learn more about serving in any of these capacities.
Altar Guild and Altar Flower Ministries
The members of Altar and Flower Guilds prepare the sanctuary for all worship services. They clear the altar after each service and maintain the linens and vessels used in the …