Jesus, also
Sermon for the Baptism of our Lord
Sunday Eucharist at St. Michael’s is a comprehensive service of both Word and Sacrament. We read from the Bible, we recite or sing a psalm, and we listen to a sermon. Then we pray for the Church and the world, and we ask God’s forgiveness for our sins. Finally, we greet one another in the peace of Christ and move to the sacramental service of the Holy Communion.
At services of Holy Eucharist, all baptized persons are welcome to receive holy communion. We also offer blessings to those who for any reason are not able or not comfortable receiving this sacrament.Children are always welcome at the communion rail. Learn more about Episcopal Worship
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
1132 North Ivanhoe St.
Arlington, VA 22205
Sermon for the Baptism of our Lord
Sermon for the Feast of the Epiphany
Sermon for the 9PM Christmas Eve service.
Sermon for the third Sunday in Advent.
Sermon for the second Sunday in Advent.
Sermon for the first Sunday of Advent.
Sermon for Christ the King Sunday
Sermon for the twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost.
Sermon for the Feast of All Saints’
Sermon for the twenty third Sunday after Pentecost.