Purchase List for Artworks

Elisabeth (Beth) Hudgins

“Cradle,” Acrylic, $400

“Earth Mother,” Acrylic, $400

“Eve,” Acrylic, $400

“Fire,” Acrylic, $400

“Five,” Acrylic, $400

“Forest,” Acrylic, $400

“Stone,” Acrylic, $400

“Water,” Acrylic, $400

Linda Maldonado

“I Am the Beauty Running through the World,” Acrylic and Collage, $750

“The Light Hidden Within Nature,” Acrylic and Collage, $750

“The Earth Is a Holy Place,” Acrylic, $750

“Within Are the Sacred Mysteries of Life,” Acrylic and Collage, $650

“Hidden Aquifers Where Life’s Water Flows,” Acrylic and Collage, $650

“Sacred Waters, Holy Ground,” Acrylic and Collage, $650

Elise Ritter

“The Dream Team,” Acrylics and Inks, $325

“Best Friends,” Acrylics and Inks, $325

“Going Solo,” Acrylics and Inks, $450

“Reading Meditation,” Acrylics and Inks, $325

“Blue Madonnas,” Acrylics and Inks, $325

“Family Lore,” Collage, Acrylics, and Inks, $275

“Mother Earth Love: Trees and Mountains,” Acrylics and Inks, $325

“Mother Earth Love: Reflections in a Garden Pond,” Acrylics and Inks, $450

Deborah Taylor

“A Madness of Delight, an Obsession,” Oil, $195

“I Stood There Once, On the Green Grass, Scattering Flowers,” Oil, 6” x 6,” $175

“The Flowers, Anyway, Are Happy Just Where They Are,” Oil, 6” x 8,” $185

“Even Now I Remember Something in the Way a Flower in a Jar of Water Remembers Its Life in the Perfect Garden, Oil, 6” x 8,” $185

“Oh, To Love What Is Lovely and Will Not Last,” Oil, 6” x 8,” $175

“Love, Cadence, Sweetness, and Briskness,” Oil, 6” x 6,” $175

“Sometimes There Are No Rules,” Oil, 6” x 8,” $185

“Have You Heard Them Singing in the Wind?” Oil, 6” x 8,” $185

“It Is a Curious Thing Just to Be Alive,” Oil, 6” x 6,” $175

Note: If you wish to purchase an artwork, please contact the artist directly via email. Each artist’s email can be found below her biography in the exhibit section titled Artists’ Biographical Information.

Also note that you may be asked to include state taxes.