Psalms Visualized: Devotions and Commentary

Devotions and Commentary
Artist Kreg Yingst has prepared a catalogue that contains a series of short devotions or commentaries to accompany this exhibit. He has placed them in a book format that can be accessed from the pdf link below; the pdf can translate to iBooks or Kindle and read by viewers as they proceed through the exhibit from print to print.
The book format allows for inclusion of images of the exhibit’s block prints and text of the devotions, Curator Statement, Artist Statement, Artistic Process, and Artist’s Biography, as well as the text of each exhibited Psalm, all of which viewers can print for their personal use while viewing the exhibit in person.
A sample hard copy of this catalogue, so marked, is available to browse in the gallery space, where viewers also will find the Exhibition Notebook, containing additional exhibition-related information, and the artist’s business cards. The catalogue, in paperback, includes full-color, full-scale images of the woodcuts as well as the text described above. The cost is $12.00*, plus shipping.
Access the devotions and commentaries, as well as the text of each Psalm, here.
* Should you wish to purchase a hard copy of the catalogue, please visit the artist’s ETSY Shop.