MARY, MARY: Resources

The following resources are offered to facilitate additional explorations and discussions of Mary as a subject in art and faith.
Online Exhibitions
“A Global Icon: Mary in Context”, National Museum of Women in the Arts
“Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea”, National Museum of Women in the Arts
Engelbert Mveng, Jesus is taken down from the Cross (Station of the Cross no. 13), before 1995 (African Pieta)
Chris Ofili, The Holy Virgin Mary, Paper Collage, Oil Paint, Glitter, Polyester Resin, Map Pins, and Elephant Dung on Linen, 1996; Museum of Modern Art
Gerhard Richter, Annunciation after Titian, Oil on Canvas, 125 cm x 200 cm, 1973
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ecce Ancilla Domini! (The Annunciation), Oil on Canvas, 1849-50
Jerome Weeks, “John Cobb’s Visions at First Presbyterian” (Mary (the Mother of Jesus) as a Child, Her Grandfather Joaquim Guiding), Art and Seek Website
Anders Widoff, Maria (The Return), Polyester, Silicon, Fabric, Glass, Hair, and Oils, 2005
Publications: Art Books
Dupre, Judith. Full of Grace: Encountering Mary in Faith, Art, and Life, Random House, 2010
Nicola Green, “Sunburst: Race & Renditions of the Divine”, Blogpost
Hartung, Colleen D. (Ed.). Claiming Notability for Women Activists in Religion, Atla Open Press, 2020 (also available on Amazon)
Koja. Stephen (Ed.). Raphael and the Madonna, University of Chicago Press, 2021
LIFE Mary: Blessed Art Thou Among Women, April 14, 2017
Mary: Images of the Virgin in Art, BCL Press, 1998
Janet McKenzie. Holiness and the Feminine Spirit: The Art of Janet McKenzie (Orbis Books, 2009), ed. Susan Perry (Note: Though now out of print, it is worth your time to locate a copy to view.)
Orsini, Jacqueline. Mary: Images of the Holy Mother, Chronicle Books, 2000
Verdon, Timothy. Mary in Western Art, Hudson Hills, 2005
Wheeler, Marion. Her Face: Images of the Virgin Mary in Art, First Glance Books, 1998
Publications: Articles
Tresa Edmunds, “Why Mormons do not worship Mary”, The Guardian, September 8, 2011
Jillian Ewalt, “Sacredness and Solidarity: A Conversation with Artist Janet McKenzie”, University of Dayton Blogs, July 21, 2020
Robert Feuge, “Mary Driving Jesus to Mother’s Day Out”, CIVA Blog, July 30, 2019
Constance Grady, “Decoding the artistic references in Beyonce’s gorgeous birth announcement for her twins”, Vox, July 14, 2017
Salome Gomez-Upegui, “Why Contemporary Artists Are Embracing Spirituality in Their Work”,, August 2, 2021
Vicki Stuart, “Beyonce: A Reimagined Madonna”, CIVA Blog, July 13, 2021
“Sanctuary” in “Art that Surrounds Us” (July 2021), Johan van Parys Video Series
“Christus natus est/The Divine Journey” (2021) Artwork by Janet McKenzie, with Music by Rosephanye Powell; Recorded by Middlebury College Choir
“Divine Journey — A Painter’s Mission” (Harvard University Memorial Church Commission from Janet McKenzie)
“Hope” (2019), Video on the Art of Janet McKenzie
Playlist for “Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea”