Icons: Resources

This section provides a selection of artists currently working in the art of icon writing. The names are hyperlinked directly to Website information providing a biography.
A number of interesting icon-writing-related articles are listed. These include articles for both academic and lay audiences. This section is followed with a short list of professional organizations for icon writers.
Also provided are centers of study or locations where icons are on view, as well as a selection of instructional or other videos about icons.
Icon Artists
Angela Manno, “Contemporary Icons of Threatened and Endangered Species”
Icon-Writing-Related Articles
Dana Blouch-Hanson, “The Spiritual Art of Writing Icons”
Gary Neal Hansen, “Writing an Icon (The Writer’s Inner Life),” Blog, January 30, 2017
“Sharon Henthorn-Iwane: Encountering the Faithful Icon,” Radix Magazine, August 7, 2023
“Holy Work, Divine Rules of an Iconographer”
“How an Icon is Painted,” Monastery Icons (Text and Video)
John A. Kohan, “On the Border of East and West: Searching for Icons in Lviv,” Image Magazine, Issue 96
Sarah Rose Sharp, “The Artist Painting Icons of Earth’s Endangered Species,” Hyperallergic, February 17, 2023
Julia Stankova, “A word about the Word,” ArtWay (About Stankova’s relationship to iconography)
“Writing Icons,” PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, April 9, 2004
Gil Zohar, “Bethlehem Icon Center Keeps Alive an Ancient Artistic Tradition,” Episcopal Journal & Café, July 4, 2023
Iconographers’ Professional Organizations
American Association of Iconographers
Other Iconographic Resources
The Icon Museum and Study Center
Icons and Their Interpretation
“Icons in the Modern World: A New Way of Seeing” (Museum of Russian Icons)
“Icon Painting Demonstration with Aidan Hart” (Egg Tempera Techniques)
“Icons at Sinai Monastery” (St. Catherine’s Monastery), Mt. Sinai, Egypt
“The Blessing of the Icon ‘Mama’“ (Holy Communion Episcopal Church, St. Louis, MO)
“Unveiling the Good Shepherd Icon” (The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Athens, OH)