Voter Registration: Why it Matters and How You Can Help

Did you know that, “Across the coun­try, states impose vary­ing felony disen­fran­chise­ment policies, prevent­ing an estim­ated 6.1 million Amer­ic­ans from cast­ing ballots. This wide­spread disen­fran­chise­ment dispro­por­tion­ately impacts people of color. One in every 13 voting-age African Amer­ic­ans cannot vote, a disen­fran­chise­ment rate more than four times greater than that of all other Amer­ic­ans. In four states, more than one in five black adults are denied their right to vote. Although the data on Latino disen­fran­chise­ment is less compre­hens­ive, a 2003 study of ten states ranging in size from Cali­for­nia to Nebraska found that nine of those states “disen­fran­chise the Latino community at rates greater than the general popu­la­tion.’” (Racism and Felony Disenfranchisement: An Intertwined History)

As we seek to repair the breach caused by racism, fellow parishioners have partnered with Reclaim Our Vote, a non-partisan organization whose mission is to empower under-represented voters to fully participate in elections. Post-card writing parties will focus on encouraging voters to register. Join us for one or all of the dates listed below.

  • Monday, September 12 at 7 PM in the Parish Hall
  • Tuesday, September 27 at 3 PM in the Parish Hall
  • Sunday, October 2 at 4 PM in the Parish Hall