Shining Our Light Stewardship Campaign

October 25, 2021: Stewardship is the act of attending to God’s gifts in order to do God’s work. God’s gifts encompass much, from the blessings of creation to the talents we possess, and the financial resources we have at our disposal. Each year, the church conducts a campaign wherein we invite parishioners to reflect on how their monetary gifts might make a difference.
Each household is encouraged to make a financial pledge to St. Michael’s for 2022 by Sunday, November 14. More information about this year’s pledge campaign and how to make a pledge may be found on our website.
As we enter the stewardship campaign, the stewardship committee invites you to reflect on how we can let God’s light shine through our work as a community of faith and continue down a path of furthering our mission. Let your light shine before others.
Dan Ruff, Stewardship Chair