Parish Retreat at Shrine Mont, Sept. 16–18

Each fall parishioners are invited to gather at Shrine Mont, the Diocesan Retreat center, known as “a place apart.” We unplug from our busy lives and gather in a slower, more intentional way over the course of the weekend. For St. Michael’s in particular, this is a pivotal yearly gathering for many of the relationships that sustain us throughout the rest of the year. Our focus this Fall will be Reconnecting. While the essence of our time together on the mountain naturally facilitates some of this, the programmed portions of our weekend will offer spiritual practices that help facilitate our desire to reconnect in a variety of ways. As you are filling out the registration form, there is an opportunity for you to provide feedback on the ways in which you are most eager to reconnect.

Our parish retreat is a great time for all ages! Shrine Mont offers a place for contemplation and renewal at the Great North Mountain in the Shenandoah Valley. Officially, Shrine Mont is the Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration and a Conference Center of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. Shrine Mont is located 110 miles from St. Michael’s, in Orkney Springs, VA. You can get to Shrine Mont in as little as two hours, depending on I-66 West traffic.

Shrine Mont offers many activities for all ages. Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy:

  • Hike up North Mountain or to Seven Springs.
  • Nature walks to the pond, the woods, and around Shrine Mont.
  • Play outdoor games.
  • Walk the Shrine Mont labyrinth, patterned after the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in France.
  • Participate in children’s activities.
  • Read a book.
  • Re-connect with fellow parishioners (on porches, at the pavilion, or a variety of other outdoor settings).
  • Worship outdoors.

Please register online, or ask the parish office for a hardcopy of the registration form.

Cost (which includes delicious comfort food from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch) for adults in a single occupancy room is $235. Cost for adults in a double occupancy room is $185 each. Thanks to the generosity of our parish, all children 18 and under attend for free! Please inquire with The Rev. Beth Franklin about obtaining a scholarship, which are available for anyone in need.

Questions? Please contact a member of our Shrine Mont steering committee: Tom Sheldon or Linda Kelleher.