New Worship Schedule Begins this Sunday, June 6
Worship at 8 AM on the lawn:
- You will not need to pre-register to reserve a seat. Come! All are welcome, and there is ample space.
- In accordance with the CDC’s guidelines that the vaccinated do not need to mask outdoors, we will no longer require masks for outdoor services. Please be thoughtful when approaching others and responsive of personal needs to maintain distance or wear a mask.
Worship at 10 AM in the sanctuary:
- Following the lifting of distancing requirements, we will not limit the capacity for this service. We will invite you to be thoughtful in choosing the proximity of a seat to your neighbor.
- To maximize airflow, windows in the sanctuary will be open and the auxiliary fan will run constantly during this service. However, because the air circulation is limited, we ask that everyone continue to wear a mask as a courtesy to those who are not yet eligible for a vaccine.
Virtual Worship, 10 AM from the sanctuary:
- We will continue to make available a virtual option for those who prefer to worship remotely. This service will become less interactive, though still a Zoom meeting that invites participants to worship alongside those present in the sanctuary.
- This service will be recorded and available on our YouTube channel after the fact. 10 AM Liturgy of the Word Live on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting here:
(301) 715 8592
Meeting ID: 829 5300 3225
Spiritual Communion at both services:
- We will continue with spiritual communion and abstain from physically receiving communion. The value in the sacrament of communion is that the body and blood of Christ are available to all, no matter what. That is not our current reality at this stage of life in the pandemic. We will return to receiving communion as a community once the sacrament is accessible to all.
- For those who feel a need to physically partake of communion, I am now able to provide pastoral home visits with the sacrament of communion. Please be in touch if this would be meaningful for you.
Singing at both services:
- Congregational singing is now permitted and will be included at both services.
- The mechanics of singing suggests that air particles travel further when singing. Out of an abundance of caution, please wear your mask when singing, either indoors or outdoors.
Coffee Hour:
- We have missed one another! You are invited to participate in a time of fellowship on the church lawn following the conclusion of the 8 AM and 10 AM services. At this time, we will not gather indoors for unmasked activities, like drinking coffee.
- We encourage you to BYOB to coffee hour, as we will not be sharing in a common carafe.
Unfavorable Weather:
- In the event of unfavorable weather, or an unbearable plague of seasonal critters, we will have one service at 10 AM in the sanctuary, which will also be available virtually.
- Cancellation of the outdoor service will be announced on the home page of our website at least 90 minutes prior to the 8 AM start time.