Lenten Book Study: “Humber Faith Bigger God”

Telling the story of your faith can be a daunting task in the best of circumstances. Add to it the cultural baggage you may have about Christianity, or others may have about your Christianity, and it may seem an unworthy effort. Join us during the season of Lent as we seek to practice holy patterns and live more fully into our faith. The Rev. Dr. Sam Wells’ new book is a journey into “finding a story to live by.” Each chapter is a narrative and theological dive into some of Christianity’s greatest challenges.

Beginning February 26, Seminarian, Hayden Paul, will lead a discussion group on Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:30 PM in the library. Beginning March 1, The Very Rev. Beth Franklin will lead a discussion group on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30 PM in the library. Several copies of Well’s book will be available for use in the library.