January Treasurer’s Report

Preliminary 2021 Year End report
Year-To-Date Total Income: $326,465.45 is 103% of Budgeted YTD Total Income: $316,280. NOTE: This total includes the full amount of the 2021 Prepaid Pledges received in 2020 ($46,585.08) and $4,492.97 in Prior Year Pledges.Year-To-Date Total Expenses: $298,712.78 is 86% of our Budgeted YTD Total Expense: $346,929.00. This total reflects the continued reduction in expenses related to COVID.
Pledges: St. Michaelās has 71 pledges for 2021 which total $306,760.21. As of 31 December (100% of the year completed), 61 of these pledges are complete. Per our financial report, we have received $307,731.24 which is 100.3% of the total pledged amount (and includes the $46,585.08 pre-paid pledge amount).
Similar to the previous COVID year, our Income was slightly more than expected (Thank You!) and our expenses were less than planned in 2021. Again, the numbers are from our Draft December 2021 financial report and could change.
Read the full report here. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have!
Beth Addington, Treasurer