Growing the Beloved Community

This week marks the beginning of our stewardship season at St. Michael’s. Our theme for this campaign is an intentional modification of the language that serves as a framework for all we are up to—Becoming Beloved Community. As we considered the impact financial commitments have on our communal life, the Stewardship Committee had great clarity that this is one more way in which we are living into this calling of Becoming Beloved Community—growing how we think about, and nurture, the community that is beloved. We are so excited to invite each of you into this time of Growing the Beloved Community, and all this entails.
During this stewardship season, we will invite each of you to make a pledge that will support the day-to-day activities of St. Michael’s, as well as the outreach we do in the wider beloved community. Each household will be receiving an envelope which includes an invitation to give, as well as a pledge card for 2023.
Please join your fellow parishioners on Sunday, as we joyfully proclaim our intention to Grow the Beloved Community. The Stewardship Committee Chair and our Treasurer will briefly remind us of the importance of stewardship. Our campaign will conclude on November 13, when we hope you will prayerfully submit your pledge card.