Flower Workshop: Sign Up Deadline Sept. 25

On Saturday, September 28, from 9:30 to noon, Mary Wright Baylor, of the National Cathedral Flower Guild, will spend an autumn morning with us reflecting on how the bounty of Godā€™s creation can enhance our worship and life as a community. In a fun, interactive, hands on workshop, we will arrange Sundaysā€™s flowers for St. Michaelā€™s feast day and talk about some wonderful spiritual wisdom that we gain through flower arranging together.

No prior experience needed and the workshop is open to adults and interested teens with an adult present. Supplies provided at no cost. Also, no negative judgement made. And no future altar flower arranging commitment required, but that opportunity exists if you desire! Just come to let the joy and balance in nature seep into your life. Itā€™s Godā€™s glory for you!

RSVP to Linda Denson by Wednesday, September 25.