Back on the Walls: 2021–2022 Arts and Faith Exhibition Schedule

I am so pleased to announce that our fall and spring exhibitions will be returning to the walls of the Parish Hall. Following is our line-up:
September 1–30, 2021
“Women at Work: A Solo Exhibition of Paper Art by Ronni Jolles”
Originally scheduled for May 2020, this exhibition was postponed indefinitely because of the pandemic. Happily, I can say both Ronni and I are delighted that it will be going on view, on the walls, this coming September. The exhibition will comprise up to 10 never-before-seen works made entirely of paper. An Artist Talk is scheduled for Sunday, September 26, at 4:00 PM, subject to any Covd-19 restrictions that may be in place at that time. Please save the dates!
November 28–December 24, 2021: Advent
“Mary, Mary”
Conceptual planning is underway and execution awaits but this exhibition will hang from November 17 through Christmas (and perhaps a week or two before or later, depending on our hanging and take-down dates). A smaller digital version that includes images and poems that are not part of the physical exhibition also is planned to run simultaneously.
This will be a group exhibition for invited artists in the DMV area (as currently conceived, the digital version will include up to 10 non-local artists). If you are an artist and would like to participate, please let me know in advance, and I will include you at the appropriate time(s) in communications about the show.
A Christmas-related exhibit outdoors, such as that offered in 2020-2021, may be presented as well.
March 2, 2022–April 14, 2022: Lent
“Stations of the Cross by Scott Erickson”
This exhibition (dates to be scheduled) will be on the walls and available digitally; in all probability, enlarged images from the show will be featured outdoors, as they were last year, so that our Arlington neighbors and visitors, as well as parishioners, may walk the Stations at any time and whenever St. Michael’s is closed.
Need and Call for Volunteers
As many parishioners know, I moved to Ohio last September but remain as active a member of the parish as I can and very happily am continuing to lead from afar the Arts & Faith Ministry. I am pleased to announce that a member of our Vestry, Adrienne Pilot, is working closely with me as my St. Michael’s liaison. Adrienne will coordinate the many onsite details of each exhibition, such as the hanging of artworks. I am so grateful for her help!
With our exhibitions’ return to the walls, Adrienne will need a volunteer or two from St. Michael’s to help hang and take down artworks (this requires being on a ladder and being available during the day), ensure that exhibition-related materials are in place and available, assist with set-up for Artist Talks, and, if necessary, help handle visitor flow should Covid-related restrictions be in place. Being able to fill in for Adrienne when artists bring their artworks or retrieve them might be another way to ensure our exhibitions’ success. If you would like to help Adrienne mount the exhibits or attend to other details, please let both Adrienne and me know, and provide your contact information (email and telephone number), the hours or days of the week that you know you can be available, and what you are volunteering to do. You will be called on at the appropriate time. Volunteering your time and energy is greatly appreciated.
Maureen Doallas