A Message for Holy Week from Bishop Susan E. Goff

Jesus said,The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you. John 12:35

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Holy Week is the longest walk of the year. We begin the walk on the outskirts of Jerusalem, near the Mount of Olives, where the disciples throw their cloaks over a colt and Jesus climbs on. It is a ludicrous sight ā€” a grown man on a colt, his feet dangling to the ground. Everyone knows that real kings ride great stallions, not donkeys. But Jesus chooses to be a living parable, a parable of humility. Jesus chooses to embrace seeming foolishness to reveal God’s wisdom, seeming weakness to show us real strength.

Read Bishop Goff’s entire message here.