A Celebration of the Ministry of Wil Harkins

I hope you will all make plans to join in celebration of Wil Harkins this Sunday, whether in person or in spirit. Wil officially retired in February, after seven years of service as the St. Michaelā€™s Parish Administrator. As a Christian community, it is our delight to be able to acknowledge and appropriately celebrate the variety of gifts that make this a dynamic community. It would be impossible to fully capture the depth of Wilā€™s impact, but we will do our best to appropriately thank him, nonetheless. He had a gentle, thorough, and generous influence on everything and everyone. Even if you are unaware of his leadership, you were the beneficiary of his labors in the weekly bulletins, rotation of worship leaders, and general care of the buildings we all enjoy. We are tremendously blessed that Wil remains among us as a parishioner and friend, as he closes one chapter and begins the next.

We will gather in the parish hall following worship with pastries and light brunch fare provided by the Hospitality Committee. Cards will be available at the gathering for well wishes to Wil. If you are unable to join us, feel free to send any messages/well wishes for Wil to Wendy Ikezawa.