A Bishop! Confirmations! Graduates! AND a Picnic!

There are times in communal life that are embarrassingly full of joy and abundance, and are undeniably marked by Godā€™s fingerprints. This coming Sunday will be one of those days. We have much to celebrate in the life of our youthā€”confirmations and graduationsā€”but also in the life of our congregation, who has accompanied them on a journey of becoming young people of a meaningful faith. In a world that can feel full of dread and bad news, I hope youā€™ll take to heart the unequivocal Good News that we have to celebrate! If at all possible, please join us on Sunday afternoon instead of in the morning (though there will still be Eucharist in the morning,) as we liturgically and festively celebrate this moment in the life of St. Michaelā€™s.

The parish picnic will take place immediately following the confirmation service, at approximately 5 PM. Weā€™ll still provide the fried chicken, and ask that everyone bring a dish to share for a picnic dinner.

Sign up to help with the Parish Picnic and Confirmation celebration HERE.